Session One:
~Setting the intention with Self-Love Mastery as the foundation.
~Transforming aloneness: An introduction to the Self-Love Power Practice.
~Exploring the painful patterns and corresponding false beliefs.
Session Two:
~Identifying the false belief at the root of a painful pattern.
~Transforming the false belief (guided practice.)
~Understanding the different parts of us (Wounded Self, Inner Child, Spiritually-Connected Loving Adult and Higher Guidance.)
~Cultivating compassion for the Wounded Self.
Session Three:
~Exploring and understanding the core painful feelings.
~Connecting with your Spiritual Guidance.
~The difference between aloneness and loneliness.
~Self-healing core pain.
Session Four:
~Self-abandonment---what exactly does that mean?
~The four major ways we self-abandon and how we heal it.
~Relationships from our Wounded Self versus our Spiritually-Connected Loving Adult.
Session Five:
~Responsibility for our feelings---why are we so resistant?
~Who is the Inner Child or the Soul within?
~The key to feeling worthy (no matter what.)
Session Six:
~Exploring the intention to control and the intention to learn about love.
~Deepening the connection with your Spiritual Guidance.
~How we raise our frequency to attract and manifest our desires.
Session Seven:
~What makes your Inner Child (the Soul within) feel loved?
~Transforming the Source Fracture wound.
~Becoming "The One" from the inside-out.
Session Eight:
~Self-sourcing and the key to being magnetic.
~Relational oneness: The transformation of identity.
~Mastering the joyful art of co-creativity.
The Inner Bonding Workbook: Six Steps to Healing Yourself and Connecting
with Your Divine Guidance by Dr. Margaret Paul, PhD is highly recommended.