Melissa Erin Monahan, M.A., LCAT

New York State Licensed Psychotherapist

Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in "The One"

Certified Transformative Relationship Coach

Certified Narcissistic Abuse Treatment Clinician (NATC) 

MKV Feather

Calling in "The One"

Transformative Relationship Coaching  

"I can see that my endless quest for the perfect husband

was really a search for myself." 

~Elizabeth Taylor

"The light comes from within." 

~Linda McCartney

Calling in 'The One' Book Cover


Calling in "The One,"

Self-Love Mastery

and Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

"Before you love another, you must first learn to love yourself."

Many, especially those ready to experience great love and partnership, will nod their heads in agreement. Then comes the deeper (and very honest) question: "How? What does it actually mean to love myself first?"

Calling in "The One" provides a powerful structure and foundation for "the how." 

Based on the (revised and expanded) bestselling book Calling in “The One” by Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT, this internationally renowned and transformative process is designed to support you to identify and release the inner obstacles to love. 

First and foremost, Calling in "The One" is about the emergence of your true self. 

Yet, within narcissistic dynamics, the conditions for actualization and growth are blocked.

There is no empathy, psychological safety or unconditional love.

Trusting your feelings is dangerous. 

The more you engage with the narcissistic person, the more you have to disengage from your own divine self and source. 

The true you is not allowed to emerge. 

And so, for many, healing from narcissistic dynamics is at the heart of their Calling in "The One" transformation.  

From an antagonism informed approach, compassionately addressing any past or present narcissistic abuse will be powerfully infused into your Calling in "The One" journey. 

Indeed, loving relationships (characterized by depth, connection, presence, empathy, respect, mutual cherishing, growth, consistency, compassion and more) require a devotion to the inner work because:  

1. We come together at our common level of self-abandonment or self-love.

2. The relationship with another can only be as good as the relationship with yourself.

You must become "The One" you are wanting to attract.


Let Your Love Intention Be Your North Star

Introductory Session 

~Initial exploration of your relationship history and patterns.

~Assessment of your hidden (inner) barriers to love. 

~Set the Calling in "The One" Transformative Intention.

Step One: 

Preparing For Love 

~Shift focus from love as something

"to get" to love as something to become and share with a partner.  

~Identify your healthy needs in relationship.

~Identify how your relationship with self has been mirrored

in the relationship with others.

~Vision and access a somatic experience of love fulfilled.

Step Two:

Completing the Past 

~Engage a process of releasing past resentments.

~Identify and renegotiate covert agreements from the past.

~Identify and begin to transform any toxic and narcissistic relational dynamics.

~Identify and begin to transform the false beliefs of past wounds.

Step Three: 

Your Love Identity 

~Begin to heal and transform your own self-abandonment.

~Discover why taking responsibility for the way you feel is necessary to create

a successful relationship with another. 

~Begin to cultivate your own spiritually-connected loving adult self. 

~Learn to access your own personal source of unconditional love, wisdom, worthiness and guidance as the foundation for a thriving

and joyful partnership with another. 

~Transform your wounded false beliefs—your hidden inner barriers to love.

~Identify new ways of relating that are in alignment

with who you are on a Soul level.

~Become a vibrational match to your Soul---your authentic Self---in order to attract and create a loving relationship with another.

Step Four:

Becoming Magnetic 

to Great Love 

~Create a somatic vision of love fulfilled

sourced from the deeper truth

of who you are.  

~Learn to magnetically (and quickly) close the vibrational gap

with your authentic Soul Self

~Revisit the original Calling in "The One" Intention.

~Identify your sense of self inside the future of love fulfilled.

Step Five:

Mastering Self-Love 

as the Foundation for Loving Another 

~Make a solid commitment to yourself as the foundation for making

(and receiving) a commitment from your future partner.

~Deepen into the cultivation of your own spiritually-connected loving adult self. 

~Cultivate the profound, yet practical, skills

of unconditional self-love as the basis for healthy partnership.

Step Six: 

Becoming "The One" 

~Deepen into the profound (yet practical) skills of evolving self-love. 

~Continue to cultivate your spiritually-connected loving adult self. 

~Develop your capacity to self-soothe.

~Learn to take loving and empowered emotional self-responsibility.

~Deepen your ability to access your own personal source

of unconditional love, wisdom, worthiness and guidance

as the foundation  for loving partnership

with another.

Step Seven:

Being "The One" 

~Source your identity from the future of love fulfilled.

~Anchor into a deeply magnetic knowing that great love

and partnership is not only possible but inevitable.

~Experience a guided visioning that directly connects you

with your future self and partner.

~Identify new developmental structures that support your evolution

as "The One."

~Cement the foundation for a joyful relationship with another  

characterized by empathy, good character,

respect, patience, compassion, sustained mutual cherishing,

kindness, communication, reciprocity, commitment,

growth, laughter, joint values, safety, evolving best friendship

and the sharing of unconditional love.

Private sessions are conducted on phone, Zoom

or FaceTime. 

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