Step Six:
Becoming "The One"
~Deepen into the profound (yet practical) skills of evolving self-love.
~Continue to cultivate your spiritually-connected loving adult self.
~Develop your capacity to self-soothe.
~Learn to take loving and empowered emotional self-responsibility.
~Deepen your ability to access your own personal source
of unconditional love, wisdom, worthiness and guidance
as the foundation for loving partnership
with another.
Step Seven:
Being "The One"
~Source your identity from the future of love fulfilled.
~Anchor into a deeply magnetic knowing that great love
and partnership is not only possible but inevitable.
~Experience a guided visioning that directly connects you
with your future self and partner.
~Identify new developmental structures that support your evolution
as "The One."
~Cement the foundation for a joyful relationship with another
characterized by empathy, good character,
respect, patience, compassion, sustained mutual cherishing,
kindness, communication, reciprocity, commitment,
growth, laughter, joint values, safety, evolving best friendship
and the sharing of unconditional love.