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MKV Feather

Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

Transformative Coaching 

 "For a narcissistic relationship to sustain, you have to cease being yourself.

It's that absolute. 

You don't get to be you."

~Dr. Ramani Durvasula

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself."

~Judy Garland

Conscious Uncoupling
and Calling in "The One"
with Self-Love Mastery
and Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Melissa is currently training

with Dr. Ramani Durvasula, 

the world's leading narcissism expert

and New York Times bestselling author of

It's Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People. 

Empathy and sensitivity,

two of your most beautiful traits,

render you vulnerable to the emotional abuse of narcissistic relationships. 

If this has been your experience, you are not alone. 

And there is nothing wrong with you. 

The problem is the behavior of someone with a narcissistic personality style. 

Within the transformative coaching partnership,

you will be guided to heal

from these toxic dynamics whether they be past, present or both. 

Paramount to the future,

you are now empowered to discern narcissism

and quickly spot "red flags."

 These include the silent treatment, future faking,

bread crumbing, baiting, gaslighting,

love bombing, trauma bonding, blame shifting, word salad,

circular conversations, hoovering,

devaluation, walking on eggshells,

DIMMER (dismissive, invalidating, minimizing, manipulative, entitled, rage)

and flying monkeys. 

Moving forward,

you are safeguarded against becoming entangled

and stuck with partners (or dynamics)

that are not good for you. 

On a foundation of unconditional self-love,

you will now create relationships characterized

by empathy, respect,

safety, kindness, laughter,

reciprocity, growth, mutuality,

deep connection, the sharing of love

and so much more. 

At last, you are safe to shine your light and be you. 

And your empathy becomes a superpower.

My Story

The scene: A dimly lit psychotherapist's office in Manhattan's West Village. 

As a New York University graduate student, studying to be a psychotherapist, I am wiping away tears and deeply confused. 

Despite trying very hard to do everything "right," I feel anxious and depressed. 

And the relationship with a loving and empathic man (the partnership that means everything to me) remains elusive. 

"What am I doing wrong?"

My therapist leans toward me thoughtfully. 

"Before you fall in love with him, Melissa, you must fall in love with yourself."

I nod in agreement and disappear onto Prince Street feeling even more disconnected from myself, and a spiritual source of unconditional love, than ever before. 

I have no idea how to love myself. 

It would be years (and a Dark Night of the Soul) before I understood what was actually happening.

As a chronically self-abandoning empath, I was indeed suffering from a lack of self-love as well as the fall-out of narcissistic abuse/antagonistic relational stress. 

Today, in my worldwide private practice featuring Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in "The One," I specialize in working with empathic and highly sensitive people seeking to heal from narcissistic abuse and master self-love.  

I look forward to hearing your story and showing you how.

 "Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, and a little more loving, have a little more empathy and maybe we'd like each other a little bit more." 

~Judy Garland